TREOIR DRAGON CHRONICLES urban fantasy series
TREOIR DRAGON CHRONICLES urban fantasy series
Current day Atlanta, Georgia is in chaos as they learn that preternaturals live among them. The red dragon shifter many believed had died 2000 years ago faces true extinction if he can't find the dragon impersonating him to trigger an international war with humans.
TREOIR DRAGON CHRONICLES is a 9-book series, which will begin releasing in September 2020. These chronicles is a spinoff of the Belador series, and will include some of those characters. This nine-book series can be read by fans of the Beladors as well as new readers who pick up book one of the chronicles for their first introduction to this world.
The series will be available in ebook, print and audiobook. *The audiobook takes a significant amount of production time once an ebook and print book is completed, but the audiobooks will follow fairly close to the other format releases.