"…one of those books that you wish would 
go on forever."

Honeymoon to Die ForSlye Team Black Ops Romantic Action Adventure


"Escalating danger and conflicting emotions keep NOWHERE SAFE constantly engrossing." Single Title Reviews
"I fell in love with the characters in this book. Trish is a sassy, sexy, southern belle; and Josh is one dead sexy hunk... This story is chock full of action, white hot romance, shocking twists and intelligence."After Dark Rendezvous
"This is a lively and action-packed book, full of energy, danger and romance. The love story is tender, steamy, erotic, and full of electricity, and the action plot will satisfy the reader’s thirst for danger."IndieReader
"I was lucky enough to get this as an early read in a contest, but I just bought it anyway. It's going on my Keeper shelf. Great plot without sacrificing the great romance."Cerise, Amazon
"Dianna Love is doing a fantastic job of weaving everything together! I don't know how she does it, but it is amazing!"Heather M, Goodreads

Honeymoon to Die For, Slye Team Black Ops Series

Honeymoon to Die For

Audiobook Sample

" No other romantic suspense author gives this combination of intense romance in a big story.”  ~~Goodreads reviews 

She enforces the law and he’s a deadly rule breaker, but risking her heart is her greatest danger when he becomes a protector.
In this enemies-to-lovers romance, Ryder Van Dyke is stuck in an Atlanta penitentiary facing the death penalty after being framed for murder. When his last hope for freedom disintegrates, he’s offered a commuted sentence – if he helps the FBI nail a bigger criminal, his father. Only family is allowed inside his father’s personal compound. To prove his innocence or tap his Special Forces skills to disappear if he can’t, Ryder accepts a deal to take an agent in as his wife. 
FBI analyst Bianca Brady spent two long years substantiating that the head of Van Dyke Enterprises is guilty of funneling weapons to terrorists. Now all she needs is the proof, but she hadn’t expected to marry a criminal who hates her. Her team gathered the evidence to put Ryder in prison.
Bianca’s the last person Ryder will trust, but he has to accept the FBI offer or live forever in a cage. The unlikely pair must navigate a minefield of deadly secrets and attacks as well as sizzling chemistry. When Bianca becomes a hired killer’s next target, Ryder is forced to make a choice - give up his freedom or risk the life of the woman who’s stolen his heart. 

"It seems with each book, this series gets better... one of the best I have read this year."
Barb, The Reading Cafe

Be sure to take a deep breath before you dive into a Slye Temp novel - prepare for shocks, thrills and above all a fantastic read you won't want to ever end.” ~~ Fresh Fiction

Read an Excerpt

Predators inside the prison yard grew tense and quiet. They’d caught the scent of a weak prey—the overweight, middle-aged prison guard named Boyd. Sweat streamed down his face and his tobacco-brown skin had lost two shades.

Standing alone with arms crossed over his orange jumpsuit, Ryder Van Dyke kept an eye on Boyd and the other twenty Atlanta Federal Penitentiary inmates milling around during their hour of yard time.

The standard mix of killers, rapists and thieves.

Present company excluded.

Ryder had never harmed a woman. He had stolen and killed, but only to protect the innocent. Actions he’d taken to preserve national security while on black ops missions for the Army before he was honorably discharged. 

Operations that had resulted in saving thousands of lives.

Had that weighed in his favor when someone framed him for murder?

Hell, no. In fact, being an elite marksman—a sniper—was one piece of the circumstantial evidence that had put him in here. But he had a two o’clock meeting this afternoon with his attorney that he hoped meant positive news.

Forty-three minutes from now.

He eyed the guard and the players in the yard.

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